Friday, October 9, 2015

The Year of Billy Miller Character Connections

Who is Billy Miller?

Things to know about Billy Miller:

Chapter 1:  
He is worried about 2nd grade.

He had an accident this summer.

He has a best friend named Ned.

His mother is a teacher and his father is an artist who stays home and takes care of the kids and the house.

This is his year.

Chapter 2:
He has a little sister who makes him late.

He feels like he has a motor revving him up making him run.

Chapter 3:  
He thinks Emma Sparkes is a pain.

He likes when his classmates think he is funny.

He wants to run, and run, and run because running makes him feel better.

Chapter 4:
He has a fun dad.

Billy is worried that the teacher thinks he was being rude.

After reading this list use the comments below to write about how you are alike and different from this character.


  1. I am different from Billy Miller becaues I am a girl and I am not worried about 2 grade .

  2. I am different from Billy Miller because my sister doesn't make me late. Sebastian

  3. I am not like Billy Miller because he is rude. Chris

  4. We are a like because I was shy on my first day to. Aidan

  5. I am alick with billy miller beacuase i like to run like billy miller does.I am not alick beacuase i did not have an axadent in the summer.

  6. I am different from Billy Miller because I do not have a sister who makes me late. Also because I am a girl. Kelly

  7. I have a best friend named Elaina. Billy Miller has a best friend named Ned. So we are different.


  8. I am like Billy Miller because I was terrified about 2nd grade. Also I don't have a little sister that makes me late. Emma

  9. I am like Billy Miller because I am in 2nd grade. He is also
    like me because I like to run. I am different because my best friend is not a boy. Elaina

  10. I also now someone name Ned. I wasn't scared for 2nd grade. Shane

  11. I was not scared for Second Grade, but I was scared to make new friends. Ryan

  12. We are not the same because I do not have a sister. Cody

  13. Billy Miller has a little sister that makes him late. I do not. Joanna

  14. I do not have a little sister and I do not have a friend named net. Mia

  15. I like to climb and Billy Miller likes to run. Joe
