Friday, October 9, 2015

3rd Grade Year of Billy Miller Character Connections

Who is Billy Miller?

Things to know about Billy Miller:

Chapter 1:  
He is worried about 2nd grade.

He had an accident this summer.

He has a best friend named Ned.

His mother is a teacher and his father is an artist who stays home and takes care of the kids and the house.

This is his year.

Chapter 2:
He has a little sister who makes him late.

He feels like he has a motor revving him up making him run.

Chapter 3:  
He thinks Emma Sparkes is a pain.

He likes when his classmates think he is funny.

He wants to run, and run, and run because running makes him feel better.

Chapter 4:
He has a fun dad.

Billy is worried that the teacher thinks he was being rude.

After reading this list use the comments below to write about how you are alike and different from this character.


  1. I was worried about 2 grade billy miller was to

  2. Me and Billy Miller are alike because I always think I`m being rude to my teachers but I`m not.We are difrent because I`v never been falling of of things and I plan not to!!

  3. I was worried for 2 grade and Billy was too. My dad is funny too just like Billy.

    1. Me and Billy are different because I have no problem in summer.

  4. I have a funny dad. He is very silly and fun. Billy has one thing alike with me. He has a funny dad and I have a funny dad that's how we are alike but just a little. I was not worried at all for second grade. I know that when i make jokes my friends don't like it. Running does not make me feel good.

  5. I was worried about 2 grade and Billy Miller was too. He thinks Emma Sparks is a pain. I have someone in my life that is a pain too. He has a fun dad. I have a fun mom.

  6. I got a accident in the summer like Billy. I had a pain with a girl last year. The I am different that now I am in 3rd grade now. Joe

  7. The way how I feel like Billy is when I run it feels good. That's how I feel similar.

  8. I felt scared to go to second grade. I had a accident I fell of my trampoline.

  9. I don't like really running as much as Billy Miller. My brother is annoying sometimes.

  10. He was worried about second grade like me in third grade. I had accident this summer like him. I have a best friend but his name isn't Ned. I have a little sister that makes me late every day. I like when my my friends think I'm funny but my teachers don't. I like running like Billy. I have a fun dad like Billy. Those are the reasons why I am similar to Billy and not similar to Billy.

  11. I am like Billy Miller because I have a very funny dad. I am also alike because I like it when people think I'm funny. I am different because I don't have a sister. I had an accident last summer.

  12. Hi my name is Amelia. These are the things that are a like to me and Billy both have a mom and dad and we both have siblings and these are the reasons we are not alike I have two older bothers and my mom and dad are divorced and my mom is not a teacher and my dad is not a artist

  13. Hi my name is Brian and I am alike and different to Billy Miller. I am like Billy Miller because he has a sister that's annoying and I have a brother that's annoying. His sister and my brother both do the same things. Billy Miller and I are not alike because we do not have the same parents.

  14. I wasn't scared about 3rd grade, not like Billy. I have a little sister who makes me late for school.

  15. My mom and dad are not like Billy Miller's parents because my mom is not a teacher and my dad in not a painter.

  16. I was so scared for third grad like Billy but not that scared I was scared at home and at school I was so scared but i think that the other kids were scared.

  17. Hi. My name is Aidan. I am alike and different from Billy Miller. Unlike other kids, I was really excited for school. Yeah, I was a little nervous at first but I got used to it very easily. The easiest thing was that there were no new students. I knew everybody. And my little sister, Mia, doesn't make me late. At first I think she does and then when we get to school I realize we're on time. And I never fell off a guardrail into the road! I love third grade and I never want to leave it!

  18. Hi. I am like Billy Miller because my dad is also an artist but he is
    a different kind of artist. That makes us different there are lots of other
    ways we are different and alike but I can't tell you. Bye!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Billy and I are alike because we both chase girls. We are different because he got a bumped his head and I did not.

  21. Hi. I am like Billy Miller because my dad is also an artist but he is
    a different kind of artist. That makes us different there are lots of other
    ways we are different and alike but I can't tell you. Bye!

  22. Billy and I both have the same problem. My sister makes me late. And we are different because I like to walk and he likes to run.

  23. Billy and I are the same because I was worried that I wasn't smart.I did not have bully when I was in second grade.

  24. I'am diffrent and the same because I have brother that makes me late and I Do Not like to run and I do like to run.
